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10 Money Saving Life Hacks for your Home

10 Money Saving Life Hacks for your Home
10 Money Saving Life Hacks for your Home

2. Repurpose old Furniture
Give your tired, old pieces of furniture a brand-new look! You can add a
slipcover, reupholster, or even use fabric paint to bring new life to old
pieces. You can also go shopping in local vintage markets and buy old
furniture which you can repurpose innovatively.

3. Add Greenery
Choose artificial or real plants to add greenery in your apartment in
Kochi. You can add sustainable plants that do not need much care.
Pots in attractive colors add to the charm!

4. Paint the Walls
Transform the interior of your flat in Kochi by painting your walls! A very
easy, less expensive, do it yourself (DIY) project which can save you
huge money!

5. Change your curtains
Seeing the same old curtains can make you bored. Shop for colorful
inexpensive curtains that are easy to hang.
6. Wallpaper
Wallpaper is the in thing these days and you can let out your creative on
this decor! You can get peel and stick wallpapers and do it yourself. For
a great look, you can try wallpapering just one accent wall.

7. Change your Hardware
New hardware on your kitchen cabinets or wardrobe in your apartment in
Kochi certainly can make a style statement without costing much.

8. Peel and Stick Wall Stickers
In your apartment in Kochi, you can use peel and stick wall stickers to
create your own mural, design, or patterned wall. These wall stickers are
available online.

9. Wall Art
Create your own wall art and frame it! Just a simple abstract design to
match your room’s color scheme will do! You can also try creating a
gallery wall with your family photos that can generate a lot of interest in
your living room.

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